Frequently asked questions.
Are bib Pick-Ups available on the day of the race?
Yes, at the registration booth starting at 6 am. Registration ends at
6:45 am on event day. Early arrival is encouraged.
Do I need to bring anything with me to Number Pick-Up?
To pick up your race packet, you must bring a Photo ID or your personalized QR code printed on paper or on a mobile device.
Can someone else pick up my packet for me?
Yes, the individual picking up on your behalf must show his/her photo ID AND bring a copy or show a smartphone image of your Photo ID.
Bib Pick-up Date and location:
1655 Euclid Ave. San Diego, CA 92105
Time: 11am - 3 pm
If I can’t run, can I give my number to a friend?
Entries are transferable, but we are not able to change the original information of the participant.
The awards ceremony?
Top 3 Male and 3 Female finishers will be celebrated on stage during award ceremony and Youth finisher under 12 y/o.
— Finish Line Area —
Is the Finish Line area accessible to everyone?
There are limited viewing areas for spectators at the finish line. Please refrain from bringing bags or packages to the finish line area. You can greet your runner at the designated area along the side of the Finish line.
Is there a lost and found?
Yes, items that have been turned into a race volunteer will be kept at the registration table. After the race, these items will be donated to Goodwill.
Is there an Elder Village this year and can any elder signup?
Yes, there is an Elder Village this year.
We want to show our appreciation by creating an area where our Elders will be pampered. Please sign up for the Elder Village which will be open from 8:30 am to 10 am. Massages will be available.